If You Were a Stripper...
Yesterday, I read my blogging friend Tammy's I'm a Stripper post. After a giggle or two, I knew she's been redecorating her home at a manic pace and has not installed a stripper post in her home.
Well, honestly, I don't know that!
This post triggered my old memory banks into recalling a story someone told me years ago.
It goes like this....
If you were to become a stripper, how would you choose your name?
Start by recalling the name of your very first pet.
What was the name of the very first street you lived on?
Simple, right?
My would be stripper name is
Lassie Lockwood
I swear...I didn't make this stuff up!
Do tell...what would your stripper name be?
I am dying to hear
Cute post, Deb! No stripping in my world, though.....its too cold!
And I am such a fibber. But that would have been my name!
Starring at the Drivin' 55 Gentlemen's Lounge
Lassie Lockwood
Pinky Carmel
Ajax Eastwood
Streak Sivley
Charlie Post
Gerbil Floyd
Sparky Lester
Tawny Twilight
This was fun! Thanks for playing.
Trixie Rossville...now that was FUN!
I could do current pet and current street... Bubbles Covell... does that work?
I'm sure to be a hit!!!!