Skywatch #5

Romantic sunset in Lahaina off our balcony in 2006.

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Michele said…
Whoa... that's awesome! What a magnificent sunset... exquisite!
Have an enjoyable weekend!
Mountain Retreat- Canada
Anonymous said…
That's just so pretty - such lovely colours!

Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting on my Sky Watch contribution this week too!
Photo Cache said…
It's one beautiful sight.
Anonymous said…
What a perfect sunset. Only thing to add is the sound of ice tinkling in a tall glass of something, with a little umbrella on top...
I would love to be there, what a great photo.

Gill in Canada
Anonymous said…
Nice - you can't beat Hawaii for sunsets, can you?
Kim said…
what a beautiful place to relax...Great capture!
Anonymous said…
Nothing beats a sunset over the ocean. Happy SkyWatching.
Woody said…
Great Colors..Awesome photo!!

Happy SWF
Rose said…
I hope everyone enlarges this--it is awesome!
Jo said…
I am just catching up on my blogging. Okay, Jack is a cutie-patootie. :-)

What a gorgeous picture here. I clicked on it to enlarge it, and I felt as if I could step right into it. Hmmmmm... maybe I will. I could use a vacation right about now, and that looks wonderful! *heh*
vincibene said…
Wonderful sunset, I love the colors!
poefusion said…
Good Morning Deb, this is an incredible sunset. You captured the moment well. Thanks for your visit. Have a nice day. Happy Sky Watching~
abb said…
Lovely photo - wish I were there right this very minute!
{sigh} I would so love to be there right now...instead of here at work...pretending that I'm working.
Anonymous said…
That's beautiful! I love pink sunsets!
Louise said…
Wonderful! It's the stuff with which our imaginations are filled.
Country Girl said…
Oh, this is gorgeous, Deb!

I have been so busy. Haven't stopped today and just baked cookies and am sitting here having one. I broke down and bought America's #1 cookie, I think it was Pillsbury, and they come already made. It was so easy. Now the whole downstairs smells like oatmeal raisin.

It's difficult not to hover, but I don't. It's not hard to find something to keep me busy and I just keep checking on him. Right now, he is not all that rational, but he's so much better than the last surgery!!!
Arija said…
An idyllic scene, hope you were with someone worthy of it.
Mauigirl said…
Gorgeous sunset over one of my favorite views!
lovely sunset...thanks for visiting my blog and commenting on my skywatch photo.

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