I Need A Diversion

I am in the midst of writing a post which will probably be over the top, dripping with strong political views. Trying to make some sense regarding my once radical views takes time. This intense reaction was prompted by the weekend's recent mud slinging by the winkin', cutesy (if I acted like that in corporate America, I would have immediately been shanghaied back to the 1950's) , childlike, governor from the state commonly called “The Last Frontier” or “Land of the Midnight Sun”.

While all that takes place behind the scenes, let me post something sweet and dear to my heart.
My Jack, trying cereal sans the bottle for the first time. He's now mastered the technique of grunting, quite loudly when there is an interruption in the food supply.


Mental P Mama said…
Jack is the cure for what ails all of us;)

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