Password Mania...How Do You Keep Up?


We need them in order to access everything in our lives.

Log onto computers either work or sometimes home

Access your money in multiple accounts

Cell phone messages

Pay bills online

Log into your multiple email accounts

Access medical records

Obtain information over phone

Order a movie on cable or satellite

I'm sure I left several hundred out.

How does one keep track of all this information?

I have a system, but that system isn't transferable to all accounts.

Some passwords are simple...just 4 numbers.

Others want numerical and alpha characters, and here's when it becomes dicey.

Do they want 6 characters or 8characters?

Sometimes lower and upper case, numerical and alpha's are the worst.

I developed a system in order remember my series of required passwords.
It is very simple.
No birthdays or children's names.
I memorized an account number and break up the numbers here and there.
If one knows the name of the account, one would have the window to my world.
So...I will never tell.
I'll take it to my grave...and that may be the problem if I go before my husband!


Mental P Mama said…
I have only three that I use. Otherwise I'd be in big trouble.
Chere said…
Boy did you open a can of worms. I do dislike all the different combinations. They also do not tell you what combination they wanted when you made up the password. That would help me. When I go to forget password and I can see the combination, I remember.
I'm with mental p. I use about 3 passwords. My little head can't hold much more :(

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