It Just May Be A Lovely Thursday Afterall

You can say I may have had a senior moment.
Or perhaps it was the fact that my Chicago Cubs lost to the Dodgers.
Maybe it was the crisp cool air that blanketed the North Georgia state that just completely cleared my head.
I just don't know.
I have misplaced my cell phone.
That little rascal has abandoned me!
I retraced my steps.
Emptied my purse on the bed.
Checked my jean's pockets.
Behind the bed.
On the floor.
Excuse me while I go interrogate the cats.


dlyn said…
I usually call myself to locate my phone - but then we have two cell and land line so maybe that is not an option for you. Hope it shows up quickly!

I tagged ya this morning ;)
Chere said…
Well if you find my missing extra lap top let me know. Judy needs it for CPR and I can not think where I put it.

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