Alert! Alert! Charlie is Missing

This week, I've been staying with my daughter while her husband is out of town. I've helped with laundry, dishes, cooking, whatever I could to make myself useful. But that means nothing considering I lost their youngest cat, Charlie.

Because I suffer for the ill effects of heat waves, I try to get a bit of a breeze and fresh air by opening the sliding glass doors. After a quick shower, I notice the screen is slightly open. Charlie is on the patio. Oh crap! Just as I step outside, the neighbor's dog comes barreling around the corner. The combination of the dog and I'm sure my hair still wrapped in a turban towel, Charlie jumps 6 feet into the air and takes off.

Now, I'm 54...I don't jump fences or railings, heck, I don't run! Charlie escapes and I am up a creek.

After getting the food and cup, I try to mimic the sounds of "dinner time" chow bell, but Charlie is not buying this scheme.

Having to break down, I called my daughter to tell her what I've done. Now I couldn't feel any worse, but now she's crying.

I summon my husband to come to help. Her father in law joins the posse and my daughter shows up. Charlie is no where to be seen.

After hours of walking the neighborhood, we come back home to wait it out.

How does one entice a cat to return home? Dry cat food. Canned food. Turkey lunch meat. I tried everything except fillet Mignon. No Charlie.

I vow to stay up, waiting for the little munchkin to return home. At three in the morning, I see the little criminal and quickly wake my daughter.

Charlie is taunting us by sitting on the air conditioner, the retaining wall, even the open window sill of the downstairs bedroom, but he will not enter his domain.
So, here it is, 6:00 AM and I am fast approaching being up for 24 hours straight.

The last time I managed this was on our trip to Amsterdam years ago. I realize that I am not as young as I used to be.

The obvious conclusion is simple. I am really bitchy without sleep.

The tale of Charlie will continue...with a happy ending. I just know it.


Mental P Mama said…
Well he certainly has learned how to manage his humans very quickly! Hope he gives up soon so you can take a well deserved rest.
Charlie is a very intelligent kitty. He's holding out for something more appealing than canned or dry catfood. Better be ready to fork out the fillet mignon :) I hope this tail (er, I mean tale) has a happy ending. Then you can get some much needed sleep, Deb.
Jo said…
Cats will do that, the little b*ggers. He knows he has you spooked. I once had a cat, also named Charlie, who decided he liked the neighbors better and he moved in with them permanently.

I have a feeling Charlie will be back, but he's going to make you suffer first.

Get some sleep!
Chere said…
As we all know, Cats have a mind of there own. Charlie is teasing you guys, eating the food when you are not looking and laughing his little butt off. Poor Deb. You are the worried, sleepy one. Hope Charlie makes it home soon.
TRY TUNA FISH, barely inside the door. It alway worked with our Gretel, who was Charlies look alike.

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