Vote! I Did!

This past Thursday, I drove down to the county I am registered in to do my civic duty and vote in the 2008 presidential election. Much to my surprise, there were about 4o people who had the same idea as I did. As reported in the news, over 825,000 voters have cast absentee ballots.

Here is my question. When are these votes actually tallied? In the 2004 election, we learned that the Florida absentee ballots were not tallied until weeks after the election. We all know how that election turned out.
Don't forget to vote and if you live in a state that allows early voting, do it! Do it NOW.


From what I understand, your vote is not considered as absentee. An absentee vote is one that is not given at a voting precinct. Rather, you cast your vote on a write-in ballot and mail it in. Because Pete works in Pittsburgh, he has voted this way for 9 years (except his year because he was home during the week and cast his vote in person). Your early vote will count just like those given on Nov. 4th. I'm with you - I voted Tuesday. I wanted to beat the expected crowds on Nov. 4th.
Anonymous said…
Good job! And I have to say Georgia's "I voted" stickers are much cuter than the ones in Oklahoma!
Anonymous said…
I just stopped by to say hey to another Georgia girl.
Our county is so rural there isn't enough folks for a line on election
Enjoyed my visit here.
Have a great day.
Mental P Mama said…
It might be the glare from the beach, but I am having a hard time with my old eyes, and the font/background. Everybody, get out and vote!
Unknown said…
I love voting in person. It's something I look forward to on election day.
Mauigirl said…
Good for you - I'm glad you got that vote in! I don't think NJ has early voting. I have to wait till the actual day - but we don't usually have to wait in line or anything where I vote, so it's fine.
Chere said…
I asked at the voting office. They said that we were voting on an absentee ballot but would be counted first. When the polls close at 7:00 and the returns start coming in, our ballots will be the first to show up. They said that is the way GA does it. Yes, I voted early. I agree with you. I will be glad when this race is over.

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