Fall is All Around Us!

Fungus, baby...it's everywhere!
I fell in love with the color of the moss and lichen on the base of this tree.
Mind you, I do not have a macro lens.
I realize it lacks the defined edges, but I will keep practicing.

Loblolly Pine trees run rampant here in Georgia.
The trees reach a height of 30-35.
Pine cones litter the grounds and we use the needles to mulch our flower beds.
We have copious amounts of pine cones.
Any decent dog will use the pine cones as a chew toy resulting in bleeding gums.

Now, it may be a Southern thing but these acorns are not shiny.

If you visit Chronicles of a Country Girl, you will note that acorns

in her neck of the woods are shiny.

I have yet to find a shiny nut. (giggle...excuse me...I just have to chuckle)

Now I ask you, what do you see in this malformed tree?

Should Goldie Locks beckon for Papa Bear?

Or is the a gorilla in the woods?

You tell me!


Unknown said…
i love fall, especially when the color of the leaves of the trees changing and its different..
Sue Seibert said…
Great Georgia pines photos!!!
Mental P Mama said…
Congrats on your win over at Kate's! Love this shot!
Country Girl said…
I think your acorns are interesting because they're just a little different from those around here. Our climate is moist, too. Perhaps that has something to do with it? And I see a gorilla head.
Jo said…
The lichen in the top picture looks like beautiful lace, doesn't it? Gorgeous.

In the tree trunk, I see a gorilla too.

I loved your political post, BTW. I posted a comment on it.

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