Anderson Cooper
Anderson Cooper - Emmy award winning journalist, author and newsman. He is known for his astounding ability to report the news by observing rather than imposing his personal opinion upon his audience.

I love Anderson Cooper. And when he co-hosts on Regis and Kelly, I get my extra large mug of coffee and shut the phones off so that I can dedicate the next 60 minute to watching Anderson.
On Regis and Kelly, you see a completely different side of Anderson. His smile is infectious and his laugh...well, not many people laugh the way Anderson Cooper anymore.
Rumors have surfaced regarding his persuasion, but that doesn't bother me at all. We could still be best buds.
Wouldn't it be a delightful evening to converse current events with AC?
He is such a cutie!
Regis and Kelly who???
Just kiddin', Deb -- they're like Donny and Marie, right? ;)