Blog Cleaning... Deal With It!

It's true, I just cannot help myself. I like to change things around. Let me be honest, I have been known to change the furniture around in every room of the house in one day. Believe me, I had the bruises to prove it. But now that we live in our RV, which was our commitment to do so for one year, I cannot change anything! And let me tell is exasperating! Oh, I can change out the towels. Move the throw rugs around. Switch my comforter from the floral side to the plaid side, but honestly, that's it.
So, dear readers, you have that element of surprise each day not knowing what Deb changed since your last visit. Arriving onto Drivin' 55 each day may just boost your visual spirits.
I cannot say that I am 100% satisfied with this new layout. But let me tell you it was very easy to do. Just take a visit over at The Cutest Blog On The Block and behold all of the options at your typing fingertips! Follow the instructions and you will transform your blogging life!
Happy Blogging!


Anonymous said…
Nice. I'm getting in the mood to change up my blog too. I have a Wordpress blog though. Thinking of changing colors, header, font...or maybe a whole new theme. You know, when I have time!

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