When It Strikes…

Migraines…they can be debilitating to those that are prone to the nasty headaches.  Migraines are so much more than a headache.  They can bring your life to a complete halt with light sensitivity, sound sensitivity, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, spots before eyes and even the psychedelic auras.  Up until recently, I  never experienced the auras, but I am sure that is what I saw yesterday.  Wild stars of many colors all around me. 

I guess you have guessed by now that I am in the middle of a nasty migraine headache.  My best relief is bed rest, quiet surroundings and darkness. 

Until tomorrow, my friends, or perhaps the day after…


Unknown said…
I know what you're talking about. Migraines make me wish I were dead. Seriously, I can't take the good meds.

Take care, let's hope it passes quickly
Maria said…
wishing a quick recovery for you, even a simple headache is bad enough.
shara said…
I empathize. I am in bed right now, ill, but gratfully, NOT with a migraine.

Feel better soon.
Mental P Mama said…
So, you shaved your legs for nothing? Seriously, I am sending healing vibes to you.
imom said…
I hope it passes quickly... I'll send migraine banishing thoughts your way!
Anonymous said…
I hope it moves on quickly. Poor dear. Go rest your head and dream of smooth legs and sand beaches!


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