Christmas in July Give A Way

What better way to celebrate the middle of summer with a give a way for one lucky blogging friend? Just because I want to, I will be giving away a Christmas box with an accordion album. This happens to be my design and I have already given one away last December. Sorry, Kate, you will have to sit this one out!


This paper mache box holds an accordion album inside. More than likely, I will make a minor modification to the box before shipping it to its new home.


I really love these vintage papers from Melissa Frances Scrapbook. Her collection of designs and patterns reminds me of a little sea side cottage. I can smell the ocean spray right now.


These papers bring me back to a time when I think I would have loved to live…The Victorian Age. But let’s not fool anyone, I want all of the modern day luxuries.IMG_3300This paper on the left takes me back to a time when I played with cut outs. I was never a doll kid, but give me cut outs and I was happy for days.

So if you think you would like this little project to adorn your coffee table this Holiday season, leave a comment on my blog.

Pimp my blog on your blog and get another entry. Be sure to leave a second comment.

Those are the rules, not very complicated, I know. Life is sure complicated enough!!

And oh, the give a way will end on Saturday, August 1st at noon. Good luck!


Laura ~Peach~ said…
i love anything to do with a skeleton key that is just adorable... i so want to enter :) hugsssssssss laura
Mental P Mama said…
Oh Deb! That is wonderful!
Daryl said…
Oh I so coveted Kate's win last time .. this is just a delight .. pick moi!
Unknown said…
Your box is simply adorable. I love the toile is really gorgeous. I will sit this one out though because the other girls bite and "I is scurred of dem".

I have been wanting to play with paper, but if I start another project mission, I think Hard Working Man will make me leave!!! But, your work inspires me so.
Anonymous said…
Your work is absolutely beautiful, wish I had the time / energy to devote to it.
Anonymous said…
Didn't want you to think I was trying to qualify for the gift, just my observation. Know I'm not worthy of it anyhew...haven't been working on my farm at all :)
Anonymous said…
I agree with anonymous-your gift is beautiful as are all of your work! your definitely have the "gift" but your talent needs to stay in GA... being with family is so much more rewarding, don't ya agree? I don't mind saying-I told ya so, he he!
I so wish you guys lived closer so we could work our talents together & commiserate over our "parent" situation together, boo hoo...that would certainly take our minds off our problems-but alas, our grandchildren keep us in PA & your Jack keeps you in GA-as it should be....
Pretty soon, you can read my blog entries & critique them, for me
lov ya
your secret admirer #2
p.s. & it is absolutely beautiful but with the in-laws and all their paraphenalia-I'm not even allowed a coffee table to display anything :o(
Ellen said…
Beautiful box - I so love Christmas things.
Jann said…
OH how kind and generous of you! I'd love the box! Wow, I forgot about paper dolls, I had those and really enjoyed them. Do they still make them?! I guess so.

PS You'd asked at my blog; for most wildflower macro shots I use a Fuji Finepix 900 point-and-shoot type digital camera. I use it for some landscape shots too. (Under $200 and works great.) For all else I use the Sony a350 SLR w/ a 300mm zoom lens. I'm just starting to use the SLR to shoot wildflowers that are med/large sized (aren't close to the ground).
Donna S. said…
Do you have to be a blogger? I would love that box.
joanne said…
That is too sweet for words, well almost...I would love to see this make a trip to my house and adorn my beautiful coffee rock girl..;p
Maria said…
this is fantastic, you are sooo talented, yes I want in on this one.
abb said…
That's lovely! You certainly are one talented gal!
Anonymous said…
That box is amazing! You do beautiful work, Deb! I wish I had your eye!
Asthmagirl said…
Thou art pimped on ye olde blogge...

I linked over from the lovely Asthma Girl's place (whom I was so fortunate to be able to meet, going on two weeks ago)...and oh, be still my heart! What an awesome looking box. Makes me long for all things Christmas.

OK, going to indulge in a little time spent on your blog. I soooo love the photo of the cherries on your entry today!
Cloudia said…
Daryl REALLY deserves it!!
Comfort Spiral said…
OMG that is to cute... i wish i had a creative bone in my body but i don't :(

great work!!
Diane said…
Beautiful, love the vintage look of it, it would look so charming sitting here in my old log home on the creek, i can see it now...LOL...thanks for the chance, and I feel for you with all you have to endure for you loved one....just know that you are not alone!
imom said…
Phew! I made it just in time to enter this contest! I just love your work Deb, that box is amazing!

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