When Less is More

One week and four days


Lots of spearmint gummy drops


Some sleepless nights


Loads of fidgetiness


22 less cigarette packs sold in Georgia.

That’s right!

My hubby quit smoking.

This time for good.

Well, this picture was taken when he was still smoking…sorry, dear!



Jamie Payne said…
That is so awesome! Now if only he could convince MY hubby to quit smoking:)
Nurse Nancy said…
Congrats to hubby! That is a big deal and he should be very proud!
Anonymous said…

Good for you, good for him, good for your family...and little Jack...

I'm happy for you. Now don't let him fall off the wagon.
imom said…
Way to go! Your hubby is to be commended. There is nothing easy about quitting smoking. Keep up the hard work, Deb's hubby!
Joyce said…
Wonderful to have a smoke free environment to live in. Tell him he smells so much better. To counter the increase in candy try taking a walk with him every day after dinner if you can for 20 minutes:) He deserves a big pat on the back too!
Cloudia said…
What a stiking fellow
and what a praiseworthy success!

Well done, Sir!

I love your sweet blog, Sistah
thanks for visiting me ;-)

Comfort Spiral
joanne said…
Yay! to Drivin's hubby...it takes a lot of courage to stick with it. Best wishes...;p
Erika said…
We are very proud of him! We love you Dad!

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