Thursday's Socks

I'm ready!
My favorite Uggs, too!


Tammy said…
I can hear you saying, "bring it on Mother Nature!"
Nurse Nancy said…
Love the socks. Hope the weather stays in your favor.
Mental P Mama said…
Busy trying to get to Chicago this morning...those socks would be a nice addition to my bag!
My feet are cold at work. I wish I had worn my cashmere socks or Uggs and the heck with looking professional.
Daryl said…
Back in the day when I had to dress corporate and wear a suit I always wore outrageous underwear and socks so the real me wouldnt feel smothered
Sue said…
Hi Deb....I've had my Uggs out for weeks now...nothing keeps your feet as warm as they do....and I love the should wear them to Joyce's on the 5th....See you there!
Unknown said…
It's definitely sock weather! Those are adorable!
Chatty Crone said…
Love the socks - did they help keep you warm? Did you get some snow out your way? sandie

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