One Year Ago Today…

One year ago today, I was on baby watch.

I left my husband in St Paul and flew home to be with my daughter.

IMG_0119 There was a terrible thunderstorm.

The brothers were on flood watch as the water rose up to the bottom

of the sliding glass doors.

IMG_0125 Charlie took a break from storm watching and took a much needed nap.

IMG_0128 Boyd asked why I was taking his picture.

I told him I was getting in practice for his human baby brother that was about to enter this world.

He was not impressed.


Country Girl said…
Ooo. A birthday for a little one today! How wonderful, Deb!
Nurse Nancy said…
I hope you get to be with that wonderful little one for his birthday.
Erika said…
Aren't my furry boys funny! Charlie crawled up on my lap this morning, I thought you are not Charlie! I think male cats have a switch that goes off one day and they decide to be affectionate!
abb said…
In my experience I've found cats aren't impressed with much of anything.

One year already! Isn't it amazing how fast time goes by? The happiest of birthdays to your babe.
imom said…
Your feline friends are beautiful! Isn't it amazing how fast one year goes by?! Can't wait to see the birthday boy pics!
Mental P Mama said…
Awwww. Baby watch is the best;) Is today his birthday?
Daryl said…
Happy Birthday, Jack!

What pretty feline brothers he has.
Jack said…
My birthday isnt until next Thursday. I was a little stubburn in coming out.
Bren Haas said…
I just followed a fellow blogger over to your page... LOVE YOUR KITTY!!! She looks like my kink kitty. Stop by my garden sometime!

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