Candles A Glow

As I prepare my post for tomorrow which will be today when you all read it, I find myself without electricity.  It appears that a little rain knocked out our power.  Granted, the meteorologists were touting the “heavy line of thunder storms producing possible tornadoes” hooey, (am I using my new found word – hooey too much?)did not produce even one thunder clap from above.  yet, we sit in darkness admiring the glow of candlelight abound. 

I have a huge fascination with candles.  Perhaps I lived in another time, years before Benjamin Franklin ever got the notion to fly a kite during an intense storm when candles were the only form of ambient lighting.  Candlelight has such a warm glow.  A glow that makes everyone look innocent and divine.

It is true, I am known for being the candle girl, woman and now lady.  Gladly, I have never started an accidental fire due to my intense passion for mini fires in decorative votives.  Over the years, I have scaled down my collection of torch vehicles.  Part of me is glad that I have de-junked, but another part of me longs for every single one of my votives and sconces.

So, it is the lack of power and glowing candlelight that has provided me with a post tonight or tomorrow depending on how you look at it.  My surrounding are calm.  Serene. No background noise from the television or radio.  Just the sound of raindrops.


Mental P Mama said…
I knew we were kindred spirits...;)
Daryl said…
I love candles ... and votives ... and rain on the roof .. when we lived in the studio apartment on the top floor we had this skylight ... the rain on it, candles and Herbie Mann's Push Push album on the stereo ... romantic!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
I miss candles. I had them everywhere but asthma quickly stripped that away. Do you know how hard it is to find unscented candles??! Now when the power goes out I have a battery operated lantern and a gas fireplace!

So while I'm happy that you didn't get get thunderstorms and tornados (hooey?) I kind of envy you the candle light!
Maria said…
isn't it kind of a blessing in disguise when these things happen. A forced moment to be still, be quiet and just be.
abb said…
There is such peacefulness when the electricity goes. I never realize how much "electric" background noise there is until it is completely silenced.
Nurse Nancy said…
I do love the peace that candles bring....hope you enjoyed it while it lasted and that the power is now restored.
Unknown said…
I'm with you on the candles. Love um!
imom said…
You have inspired me to light up some candles today. We are supposed to get some major winds tonight and maybe they will be a necessity!
DesertHen said…
I love it when the power goes out during a summer storm and we can light some fun and romantic...=)
Jeannelle said…
Sorry you were out of power, but your ode to candlelight is wonderful!!

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