OH NO!!!

While trying to update my blog list, I accidentally deleted my entire blog list. Can we say "How stupid are you, Deb?" Clearly, pretty stupid.

I will work hard on replacing by blog list but if I don't get you on there, please leave me a comment.

As a friend would say, "Gah!!!"


DesertHen said…
Been there, done that! Isn't it so frustrating!!
abb said…
HATE it when that happens. Haven't done that one, but others that were just as bad or worse!

You have my sympathies...
Anonymous said…
We still love you!
mabry's Gamma said…

I am always afraid that might happen and so I also bookmark the blogs I like to read. I have deleted too many things since we have owned a computer and am especially bad about deleting emails after I read them.

Have a great weekend and hope you get them all.
Sue said…
I keep threatening to back up everything that is saved and now I really need to do that...I would hate if I hit a wrong button and everything disapeared....Hope you enjoyed your footloose and fancy free day off....We all one of those every now and then...
Country Girl said…
I do stupid things all day long sometimes, Deb. Especially lately. I think it's everything with my husband and menopause slapped on top of it. To make myself feel better, I ask myself "was anybody hurt because of my mistake?" And if the answer is no, then all is well.
We all do stupid things. You're fine. Love your lilac photo below!
Jo said…
I loved your post about laying lilacs at the feet of Mary. That's one of the sweetest posts I have ever read.
Daryl said…
Oh I love that you have Jorge Garcia on your list .. me too!
imom said…
I hope you got everyone back on track!

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