Blogging for Myself

Here I am.  Blogging.  Or attempting to blog.  Blog for myself.  That was great advice I received yesterday.  So many wonderful comments to yesterday’s post.  I’ve come to understand that some days, you just don’t feel 100%.  Some days, you feel like crap and want to crawl into a cave.  Hibernating sounds like fun to me…but I digress.

So thank you all that left words of encouragement on my blog.  Where else, but in our blogs, can we get free therapy?  So thanks to all of you….THANK YOU!

Today is Respite Thursday.  Respite Thursday has been hit by budget cuts.  Our 22 hours a month will be reduced to 8 hours a month.  Yes, budget cuts hit all of us in one way or another.  We have nothing else to do but make the most of it.  Today, we will have lunch, window shop a little, take lots of pictures and breathe the fresh air.  Bottom line is we get to remove ourselves from the situation for a few hours of the day.

The past few days, my migraines have been awful.  My vision is usually impaired, making everything a bit blurry which leads me to wear my glasses all of the time.  With my migraines, I tend to sleep  a lot, which squelches the sunlight from my scrambled brain.  A good thing, however, sleeping as much as I do with a migraine tends to really screw up my sleep patterns and then that compounds the situation.  On a good note, I am about 85% free of head pain today.

So here lies my problem, I don’t want my blog to be a place to dump my personal problems.  And on the other hand, I don’t always want to post pictures of my grandson.  I have to find a happy medium somehow.  Perhaps I need a Vision Statement for my blog.  Oh gawd, did I really just type that!  Now that takes me back to the 22 years of my working career!


Today, I will look to the sky for direction and comfort.








Daryl said…
Sounds like an excellent plan .. looking up there is so much to see if one only lets their mind and eyes open ...
abb said…
You'll find your way, I have faith in you.
Maria said…
now that is a great picture.
try forgetting about the blog and what its meant to be and see what pops in your mind when your not looking. in the end just do what feels right to you, for you.
Country Girl said…
That's what I do, too. Like Maria above. Today the cat popped into my mind and I'm posting about my cat. How boring is that?
However, she secretly lives another life. I've seen her cavorting with the squirrels, for God's sake. NOBODY cavorts with squirrels. Unless they're crazy or really bored. I think she's really bored.
This is insane. And I am upset about your headache! It's the worst to have head pain.
Jeannelle said…
Deb, I see a beautiful photo in this post. Scenes like that are all around every day and can provide wonderful prompts for blogging. Lots of times I don't know what to blog about, either, but then I take some pictures and look them over and then blogging ideas come rolling in. That brings me blogging contentment. Sometimes old photos are good for that, too. Just do what brings YOU enjoyment in your blog, and you do have a lovely blog!

Sorry to hear about the migraines and the disruptions they bring. Sounds like no fun. You'll be in my prayers.
I am definitely in a blog slump. I have been for the past few months. I write pnly when I have something to share. Not because I feel I must. Write for you. The rest will fall into place.

I hope your migraine goes far, far away. Hang in there.

For what it's worth, I love seeing photos of baby Jack and hearing about your life. That's what friends do - they share. Thank you for being my muse!
~CC Catherine said…
Hey Miss Deb! Sorry to hear you're having a hum drum day. It's okay just to be who you are each day you blog. And...the comments are spot on......blogging should be about what YOU want to share...not what you think we want to read about. Remember why you began loving blogging and get back to the basics. Saying a prayer that your day tomorrow will be a sunny one! ;) ~CC Catherine
Sue said…
and you will get comfort from your blog friends....isn't that what we are here for...from someone who suffers from migrains I can honestly say I feel your pain...I have had them for over 25 years and some days you do just want to roll over and stay in bed...luckily the meds work pretty fast but I'm concerned because the cost has gone up so high.....nobody should have to pay almost $500. for 18 pills to cure a headache....I am running close to my "donut hole" and don't know what I will do when in a few months I will have to pay out of's scary...Take care and feel better....
imom said…
Deb that picture is gorgeous! Looking at it makes me feel hopeful! Thanks for sharing it.

It's all about this little things in life!
Anonymous said…
Blogging is a balance... what's imminent and vital in your life vs. the editor of the front page. I think good blogs show who we really are at times (warts and all) and at other times show what we want folks to see... happy, joyous stuff.
I think your mission should be yourself and all your facets...

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