Cooing and Squealing and Screams, Oh My!

Since once again, being rooted back in the red clay of Georgia, I have the chance to babysit my little bundle of joy, Jack Aaron. Being a recipient of one of his smiles surpasses any bottled happiness a person can drink. Let me tell you. It is a natural high that cannot be explained.

Jack has found his voice. Aside from cooing and gurgling, Jack discovered his little mini scream. At the ripe old age of 9 weeks, he has mastered the task of rolling over from his belly to his back. OK, mastered is a bit of an exaggeration because he really only rolled over 4 times! However, in the act of rolling over, Jack gets really frustrated. It's hard work, afterall! No crying. Just loud, shrill squeals and an occasional scream. He loves the sounds of his little voice which leads me to believe he will chatter and talk or ears off in the years to come. I have begun to prepare for the million questions "Why, Grama?".

There are so many new and exciting things at the disposal of parents and babies these days. Certainly I am not up with the proper lingo yet as it's been 20 plus years that I have had a baby in the house. Whether this green thing is a Boppie or a Boopie or a just a plain seat, Charlie the cat feels quite comfortable sitting here. Charlie also loves to pose for the camera, eat off of my plate and drink the milk from my cereal bowl


Anonymous said…
He is such a little cutie Deb, and the cat has the right idea lol !!

Carole xx
Chere said…
Baby Jack is getting bigger by the second. He is to cute. The cat, Charlie, looks like a natural sitting in the little seat. Have fun.

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