On Strike

For whatever reason, blogging is the furtherest thing from my mind these days. I have been reading your blogs, just not always commenting.
I'm not sure what is wrong with me, but I could spend all day in my bed and be very happy. However, between the MIL and my Grand Boy and my ill husband, life has other plans for me.

So until then, I am On Strike!

Going to make up some signs now.



Mental P Mama said…
How is DH??? I think I'll fix myself a martini and go on strike too.
Girl Tornado said…
I understand the feeling. Truly I do. Monday and Tuesday I did not want to move from the couch, and I've had very limited motivation to do much with the ole blog. I finally got motivated a bit today.
joanne said…
been feelin' the same way. Just love my jammies and a nap. I decided to take a few days off and see if I can find some inspiration again. take care..;p
Unknown said…
It goes in cycles, Deb. Take it easy and listen to your body. We'll be here when you get back in the groove.
Maria said…
I've been here about 1 1/2 years and I've noticed most of us Ebb & Flow with our blogging. Just kick back and go with the tide, we'll be here when you come back. Hope hubby is getting some better at least.
Diane said…
I talked about going on strike today. It feels like I have been dispensing meds and cleaning up after child and beast forever.

Enjoy your break. Just remember to come back...

Tammy said…
I really hope your husband is on the mend, or close too it! We will all be here when the strike is over! Enjoy some time off.
Nurse Nancy said…
I have not been into the blogging thing much myself. I think it is winter blahs....hope you are OK and take of you so you can take care of the others who need you.
Kitty Deschanel said…
I just stumbled upon your blog and am enjoying your writing - you choose now to go on strike?? Get a laptop and blog from bed!

Here's to hoping your strike ends soon! Best wishes to you and your sick hubby! :)

Lamb's Most Recent Post: I Bought A Chayote Squash. Now What?

Lamb's 2nd Most Recent Post: Why Jack Russells Are The Best Dogs
Daryl said…
Good luck with that .... the blog looks GORGEOUS!!!!!!!
Jo said…
Deb, your blog is BEAUTIFUL...!!! What did you do???

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