Do I Have My Groove Back?

Am I back on a blogging roll?
I've learned that when I have my camera in hand
I tend to have gobs of inspiration.
So thank you Canon for giving me my
proverbial kick in the pants...


Bill S. said…
Good to have you back. Isn't it great that we can go through stages in our life - leave and then return. Have a blessed day.
Chatty Crone said…
Do you think we go through periods when we're blogging of wanting to write and not wanting to write. Being too busy or not busy enough?
Sometimes it's easier to blog than other times.


Glad you're back!
Diane said…
You have a great blogging subject! And I love your photos!
Mental P Mama said…
What was his score? ;) And, yay!!
Tammy said…
It's always nice to have the groove back!! That little guy is so darn cute!
Jo said…
Omigosh, cute...! That bowling ball is bigger than he is. :-)
Daryl said…
Oh what fun ... and this is why I always always always have my little Olympus with me (along with spare batteries!)
Maria said…
Just catching up after being gone - fun photo's, glad you are feeling inspired
Laura ~Peach~ said…
i never thought you lost your groove and LOVE master Jack bowling!

my word is SHEEP LOL
Unknown said…
Lordy, this takes the cake! Jack is bowling!!
Country Girl said…
My camera is 99% of my inspiration. Great photo to illustrate a blogging roll!

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