Checkin' In

Hard for me to believe that is has been almost a week since my last post. As I sit here shaking my head, I wonder where has the time gone to?

Hubby finished his last day, we hope, of his infusion therapy. For those that never heard this term before, I was one of them, it is daily doses of IV antibiotics delivered in the doctor's office. Loving hubby was diagnosed with MRSA, although we did not learn this until today. MRSA is a nasty, ultra resistant staph infection caused by who knows what. MRSA is everywhere. How people contract this is quite the puzzlement to all infections disease doctors. As of today, my hubby is on the mend, slowly getting his appetite back. Cross fingers that this is finally gone. Gone I say! Be gone!

My dear mother in law was finally placed in a local nursing home. It was a sad conclusion but by all means the right decision. Over the course of the past several months, her Alzheimer's over took her mind. Invaded her very being. It is such a vicious disease, stealing your past, your memories, your sense of self and your own definition. But we had to come to terms with this decision as my husband and I could no longer go on another day of caring for her. I pray that God does not judge me for this when I stand before Him on my judgement day.

Saturday night, we actually partook in our complex's St Patrick's Day party. Ever hear of baked potato and beer party? Great combination and I swear the potatoes were the size of Michigan!

However, hubby and I actually went to a movie on Sunday afternoon. We experienced a sense of freedom that had eluded us. I felt like a teenager sneaking away for a first date. It was glorious. Again, I felt a bit guilty at the same time.

And in a few days, we will escape to warmer climate. Destination held in secrecy! Future posts will reveal the family fun.



Chatty Crone said…
Do I remember that your hubby had surgery awhile ago - is that where he got the infection? Your right it is everywhere.

I know the heartache of a nursing home - I hope my mother can forgive me. And God too - we do our best don't we?

Have a nice warm vacation.
joanne said…
God doesn't expect any more from you than your best...I am sure you made the best decision you could have. I know he will not judge you, or me, or anyone who had to make those horrible decisions. (I had to remove my mother from life support..breaking a promise that I had made to her).

Glad hubs is finally better and I can't wait to hear about this mystery trip..;p
abb said…
No one, let alone God, will think less of you for this. Alzheimer's is an evil vile horrible disease that takes you loved one. You did the very best thing for your mother in law. Do NOT lose sight of that!
Sue said…
Hi Deb....first, I hope your hubby will be on the mend real soon. My friend had the same thing and the antibiotics did help...I know you have had your hands full with your MIL and taking care of the baby...Don't feel bad about your MIL we all know what a wonderful daughter in law you have been and you did what needed to be done....I hope you truly enjoy your little escape because you deserve it....Hope you can make it to one of our future outings.....
Country Girl said…
Of course you feel a bit guilty, that's what a good person WOULD feel. But it was the right thing. And nobody, least of all God, is judging you for it. In fact, things happen for a reason. And maybe a small part of the reason your husband got sick was to facilitate the decision that came out of it.
Have a good and restful time in your warmer climate!
Ellen said…
I hope your husband is on his way to a full recovery. MRSA is a nasty infection.

Don't feel guilty about your mother-in-law. You kept her in your home long past what many could or would. And you have done more than what many daughters-in-law would. And with a sick husband to boot.

I have a brother-in-law and his wife who are dealing with the same issue with her mother. They had hoped to keep her home until the end of the year, but she's becoming more difficult to handle - hitting her daughter, fighting getting bathed or dressed, moving and hiding important papers and every day household items. Like you, they will be moving her sooner rather than later.

Enjoy your getaway - you deserve some quiet time with your husband.
Daryl said…
Alzheimer's is a vicious process .. and no one has the right to judge you until they have walked in your shoes - what size do you wear?

All kidding aside, this is the right thing for everyone.

Hope Hubs is on the mend and you two kids have a nice get-away somewhere sunny and dry
Mental P Mama said…
Oh Deb!! I understand your ambivalence about MIL--but it is the right thing to do. And I had MRSA last year. GAH.
i hope the iv worked. And can I come on your vacation? xoxo
We went through the same situation with my father-in-law. He became too much for my MIL to handle, and so he went into a nursing home. She visited every day. He no longer recognized her and got to the point where he was mean and beligerent. It hurt her to no end, but it wasn't his fault. It is a very sad disease. Don't feel guilty. It is truly in HER best interest to be where she is.

I know where you're going on vacation ;) Have fun! I look forward to seeing tons of photos of Jack.
Tammy said…
Wow Deb, you have received some wonderful comments! I agree with all of them. You can only do what you can and you did and will continue to do a lot for your MIL!

Have a great time on your mystery trip! Can't wait to hear about it.

Glad your husband is on the mend.
Laura ~Peach~ said…
glad the ivs are helping mrsa is mean... alzhimers is meaner... and God is not judging you because you are doing exactly what the bible said... to take care of the widows and orphans... it does not say that seeking help (nursing home) is not taking care of her because as number one an alzhimer certified care giver and number 2 daughter with a mother in the nursing home for the last 5 years.... I know that i have done the very best i could... AS HAVE YOU! enjoy your secret I cant wait to see where you go and what fun you have!!!
Diane said…
Ugh... having just battle MRSA a couple weeks ago, I can relate. Feel better soon, Hubby!

And everything you're feeling about your MIL is normal. You know you took care of her as long as you could. What a blessing for her. Guilt and relief are probably hand in hand right now. Be easy on yourself.

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