What Would You Do?

When confronted with a minor catastrophe, what would you do?
This morning, I found the label falling off my mayonnaise jar.
What would you do?
Rip it off like a band aid?
Would you wander through your house to find the tape...
and adhere the label to where it belonged?
Yeah, I taped the label on the jar...
I need serious help!


Country Girl said…
Maybe you just like how the label looks on the jar. Maybe it's more aesthetically pleasing.
Bill S. said…
I would tape it back on.
Chatty Crone said…
I probably need more help then you do! I know exactly where my tape is and I have two rolls of tape on it - one regular and one two sided tape.

I'd two side tape it!

Tammy said…
Hahahaha! I would have left it alone. Then when it eventually fell off, I'd throw the label away.
Mental P Mama said…
I would totally tape;)
DesertHen said…
I would have ripped it off and stuck the jar back in the fridge...lol
Daryl said…
I dont use (or have any) mayonnaise so ...
Anonymous said…
The nice thing about a mayonnaise jar is you can see through to the inside and know exactly what's in it, label or no label. I opt to tear that sucker off and fuh-get-aboud-it.

The Blue Ridge Gal
Just Vignettes
Anonymous said…
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