My Taurus horoscope - Week of June 1, 2009 You're very patient, Taurus, and you take your time as you go about your daily routine. However, this week your energy level amps up considerably, thanks to the recent entry of active Mars in Taurus in your sector of self. On Thursday Mars in Taurus trines Pluto and you may embark on a new exercise program. Once you speed up your metabolism, you'll find it easier to lose weight. Your urge to live in beautiful surroundings increases on Saturday, as Venus, your lovely ruling planet, enters domestic Taurus. You may start an ambitious home decorating project. (I know I used this photo before, but who doesn’t love looking at it?) How does the universe know that I am dieting and aside for my dizzy spells, I have lots more energy. Now as for exercising, the gym is 1/3 of a mile from my home. It is free. Why am I not going there? OK, I promise….I will get my butt over there, Miss Universe.