When Is A Potato Just A Potato?

Can you say obscene?

This is one, I'll mention it again...1 potato,

The plate was too small for this guy.

Did I eat the entire thing?

Hell no!

Where might they serve such a monster?

Gibson’s in Chicago….

Bring a shovel!

And oh, my memory of the dirty martini was out of this world.


Country Girl said…
That is just obscene. I am afraid now.
Unknown said…
I love baked potatoes. With just butter and salt and pepper it's a whole meal.
joanne said…
Yikes! I just lost my apetite..;p
Mental P Mama said…
I like my taters like Grandma J, but a dirty martini? Now you're talking;)
DesertHen said…
That's a lot of tater!! Never had a martini....maybe I should!
Anonymous said…
It's all too rare that I say "that's too much potato". This is one of those times!
Jamie Payne said…
I LOVE Gibson's in Chicago!!! Goodness I miss the fine cuisine that city has to offer:(
imom said…
That is a honkin' big potato! I want a dirty martini!
abb said…
Potato on steroids!

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