Under The Weather

All I can say is thank goodness for ginger ale and tea. They are the best defense for a tummy ache. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Hostas make me happy. Every spring they come bak to greet us. Hostas require very little care, but is shown love, they thrive 10 times over.
Do you love hostas?


abb said…
I love hosta as well. We have it everywhere around our home - and all from 10 little shoots from my parent's Missouri home.

Feel better fast!
Asthmagirl said…
I don't have hosta love. TOG does and thus we have a few but they're just not my favorite. I must be genetically deficient, as everyone I know loves them!
Asthmagirl said…
PS~ Feel Better! That's an order!
Jeannelle said…
Yes, I love hostas and have many scattered here and there in shady parts of the yard.

Please feel better soon!
Maria said…
I do love Hostas and don't have any, hmmm
Hope you feel better, my mom always gave me ginger ale and I did the same for my girls, it is an amazing cure for the tummy, they should mention that in their marketing :)
Daryl said…
No yard or garden = no hostas .. I am hoping to have a nice new window box that things will grow in this summer vs the past summer when the plants all died.

Now, get better FAST! xo
Mental P Mama said…
I had that stupid stomach virus a few weeks ago. Ugh. Feel better soon!
Mabry's Gamma said…

Sorry to hear you had a tummy ache, I did earlier this week...hmmmm. Feel better soon and have a great Mother's Day!

I love hostas...it's crack for deer. They love it!

Arggghhh! That nasty bug. I hope you're feeling better soon. Happy Mother's Day :)
Unknown said…
So sorry you aren't feeling well.

I never had hostas, now I have to get one.
joanne said…
feel better soon...the weekend is coming near!!
I LOVE my hostas. They are so pretty and they 'multiply' every season so we always have more and more....yep, love 'em...;D
imom said…
I love Hostas! We just planted some all around the yard and they are growing like weeds, despite the cool rainy weather.

I hope you feel better soon!
Nurse Nancy said…
I love hostas too but they tend to take over if you do not control them. I have a control thing so I am always splitting them to make them smaller...... Feel better soon!
Country Girl said…
Love them and miss them. Someday we can settle again into our own place. But for now, no hostas.

Hope you feel better soon.
Jo said…
I hope you're feeling better soon, Deb. I've never grown hostas, but I absolutely love the planter box in your masthead picture. Those are impatiens in there, aren't they? Impatients are wonderful.

My favorite summer flowers are nasturtiums, but here in Vancouver they always seem to get aphids. But to me, nasturtiums have the look of a warm, lazy summer afternoon.
Tristan! said…
I love my hostas! My future mother in law gave me a whole bunch and I love how I don't have to worry about them!

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