New Definition for Despicable


Look up the word despicable in Webster’s dictionary and you will find a new definition.

The National Enquirer’s name should be placed in print.

Brooke Shields: Tabloid Checked My Mother Out of Nursing Home | Brooke Shields

As the story broke on May 15th, Brooke Shield’s stated that her mother,

who is suffering from dementia, was taken out of her

nursing home by the National Enquirer.

In their lame attempt to conceive some type of hot story or

magazine selling headline,

they kidnapped a woman.

Brooke, all I have to say is


Sue the bastards that did this to your mother.

It would be my hope that these individual never work

on this earth again.


Mental P Mama said…
When I first heard this story, I was so shocked that a nursing home would have suck a lax security system. It really is despicable.
Unknown said…
It's a shame that the Enquirer reporters didn't show more respect for the situation, but really, the nursing home should be held accountable. Can anyone just check someone out? That's not where my mom would be.
Daryl said…
What gall .. I dont understand who would authorize something like that .. clearly a lot of heads should roll.. not just the 'reporter' but the editor who okay'd it ...
DesertHen said…
That is just horrible! I hope Brooke sues the pants off of them!!!!
Asthmagirl said…
It's hard to believe the home allowed it. Less of a stretch to think the rag came up with the idea. As the "reporter", I'd rather lose my job than participate in that.
Nurse Nancy said…
I am floored that this could/would happen. She should sue whoever she can find! Some people will stop at nothing for a story...a sad commentary on our society.
Country Girl said…
So sad. I'm glad it got out and the world will hear of it.
imom said…
Despicable is the perfect word to describe this horrible event!
Mauigirl said…
Unbelievable! As others have said, I don't see how the nursing home let this happen.
abb said…
Appalling on every level!
Joyce said…
First time hearing of this and having a Mom who passed from ALZ I am appalled and sickened that this could happen to an elderly or sick person by another. They should lock all involved and throw away the key. SHOCKING!
Sue said…
My Gosh...what a terrible story. I don't know how I missed this one...I remember her mother always being in the spotlight when Brooke was a teen....on the other hand do you think I can pay the Enquirer to kidnap my father-in-law and maybe lose him?

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