Rudolph is Dead

As I decorated my mantel this year, Santa, his sleigh and Rudolph came out of the
cabinet to be placed in a prominent location.
I thought it was a grand idea at the time...
until I had to fuss with the pine boughs and then...
Rudolph took a nose dive off the mantel and smashed into a
million tiny pieces.
Husband was not amused and returned everyone back to the cabinet.
What a stupid idea I had!


Chatty Crone said…
Ouch - was that crystal I presume?
Nurse Nancy said…
Oh my...poor Rudolph. I hope Jack did not witness his demise :)
Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear about Rudolph's fatal accident. Well, these decorations are meant to be used and enjoyed and sometimes things happen... Don't be too hard on yourself.

It's snowing pretty hard here. It should be a pretty Christmas. Unfortunately it's adding to the seasonal stress because the weather forecasters are predicting treacherous driving.

Hope you and your family have a joyous and beautiful Christmas.
Tammy said…
That is such a bummer! One of the decorations that used to be my Grandma's broke while in storage, but my husband was able to fix it.
Country Girl said…
Oh, no! That's too bad. Hope your husband is not still mad.

i'm rhyming, can you tell?
abb said…
Well that stinks! Merry Christmas, my friend.
Joyce said…
I hope that Santa will bring you a new one:) I hate when things break. Have fun with Jack on Christmas.

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