Today is Friday, the official end to the work week, although for the non working folks like me, it just means my week of caring for my Jack ends. The moment he walks out of the door and says "Bye, MiMi", my heart saddens ever so slightly. Today, having a $20 coupon to Chili's, we decided lunch would be on them. Now I remember why we received the $20 in coupons was because the food was dreadful from our last visit. Sorry to report that today's venture was not any surprises as the same dismal food was served. Note to self, do no go back to Chili's every again. Grandpa or as Jack now calls him "Pops" (a very sweet name and tribute to a very sweet man that was very close to our family who has since pasted), and Jack were outside letting run off a little steam while I paid the bill. Jack was hiding behind a tree, you know the kind of tree that is all of 3 inches wide, but none the less, Jack was hiding from me. When he say me, I heard the sweetest words ...