A Day In The Life of Jack

My cute little Grand Boy loves his "choo choo".
We play "choo choo" all day long.
It is so fun to watch his development. At first, he simply
could not put the track together or place Thomas on the tracks.
But now, he can attach the tracks and place some of the engines
on the tracks.
Being a Grand Mom is such a blessing!


Mental P Mama said…
Awwwww. I want a little bitty bite!
Tammy said…
How fun is that?!! What an adorable face.
Daryl said…
How much fun is he having .. lots and lots with his favorite Gran!
Maria said…
How wonderful to be able to watch him grow each day. I hope when I have grandchildren they will be close and I can work less to spend that kind of time with them.
Maria said…
oh, BTW, hows hubby - home yet?
Chatty Crone said…
Grandkids are God's special gifts to us after raising our own kids!

He is so cute.

And how is your hubby -

Joyce said…
After all the Thomas craze now our little GS is into the Cars series. Not sure what it will be in 6 months. Isn't it amazing how quickly they figure out how to put things together. I hope your husband comes home today.
Unknown said…
What wonderful memories are made of.
Sjn said…
I'm expecting a grand boy any day now! Can't wait!
Nurse Nancy said…
So cute. I remember those days as a Mom with JBM. Enjoy!
Diane said…
Look at the smiles! You are a lucky Grandma!

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