Visiting Santa is...

...very serious business!


Country Girl said…
Oh, my yes! It certainly is.

Lisa said…
What a handsome young man. Santa must have felt quite special holding such a polite and serious little guy!
joanne said…
mine cried...and cried...and cried some more.
Laura ~Peach~ said…
i had to be in the pics with my kids they screamed bloody murder ok cory did... martha never met a stranger.... still looking for one :)
DesertHen said…
What an adorable photo!!
Unknown said…
Jack is such a big boy! I'm sure Santa will be very good to him!
Tammy said…
Oh my goodness, he looks so grown up! Very cute!
Jo said…
Omigawd, look at that little face. He's gorgeous.

And what a great Santa!
Chatty Crone said…
I'm reading a book written by a real Atlanta Santa. He said, if I remember, 90% of children under three cry. Your little guy did awesome. He is so very cute!

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