33 Years Ago On A Snowy Day...

Happy Birthday, dear daughter!
Your Father and I love you very much.
Your family is amazing.
You are amazing!
Mom and Dad


Mental P Mama said…
Awwwwww. Happy, Happy Birthday Miss E!
Daryl said…
Happiest of happy birthday to you, Deb beautiful daughter!!
Tammy said…
Happy, happy birthday to you, Deb's daughter!! You have the greatest smile.
Chatty Crone said…
Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday Deb's daughter, Happy birthday to you.
Country Girl said…
Happy birthday to your girl!
joanne said…
Happy Birthday you beautiful girl! Enjoy your special day...;p
Nurse Nancy said…
So sweet and enjoy that special relationship.
Joyce said…
Happy Birthday Erika!

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