What I Want for Christmas…


Those eye lashes…


Nurse Nancy said…
Isn't it amazing that they are always given to boys! Guess if we had them, mascara would no longer be needed. Enjoy that beautiful face!
Daryl said…
Isnt it amazing how boys, generally speaking, have longer lashes than girls?

I want to kiss those cheeks!
Unknown said…
How beautiful!!! I know he is just the light of your life.
imom said…
I've always envied Jack's lashes! He is so adorable!
Country Girl said…
Sweetness and light. Lovely photo.
Sue said…
He is adorable....Miss B might be cute as a button and have all those curls but she got short changed in the eye lash department,...I love little children that have long lashes...God bless him.
abb said…
That's one of the very most adorable little ones I've seen!
And according to Brooke Sheilds, you can now have eyelashes like that. Can't think of what its's called.

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