I'm A Sucker

It's true...

I'm a sucker for this little guy!


Jamie Payne said…
That's what grandmother's are supposed to do. Their job is to spoil their grandchildren rotten and then hand them off to the parents....at least thats what my mom and Doughboy do! Jack will love his fond memories of your time together when he gets older:)
Unknown said…
Adorable! That picture is a keeper.
Maria said…
and why wouldn't you be
Asthmagirl said…
I can see why! Way to put out the grandma vibe!
Jeannelle said…
That's OK, Deb. What a sweet little guy! And, you are spoiling him with suckers?! Sounds like a grandma!
imom said…
Oh my! That is an adorable picture! The joy you have is written all over your face.
Country Girl said…
Is that drool all over the front of his shirt?!!! He reminds me so much of my eldest, with his little bald head and the shirt full of drool. Plus, he's adorable too!! And you look so happy. Cheers, friend!
Joyce said…
Just like me...give them the pops and then send them home on a sugar high for the parents to handle. I give my little guy ice cream when he wants it. My guy is at my beach house this week and I don't know what to do. No park or trains for this Nanny this week. Enjoy your little guy because they are so amazing!
Mental P Mama said…
Too cute! Only a grandmother would think that sticky mess is so much fun!

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