A Little Taste of NJ/NYC

Visiting my family was the best medicine to heal a stressful couple weeks.  Meeting a blog friend was the topping on the cake.  Combine these two elements and you have a perfect mini getaway.

IMG_3416 My husband truly loves his mother in law.  He’s a big kidder and there he is assisting my mom with a little lunch snack!


Don’t you think is a really attractive shot of my twins and my sister’s twins?  Hubby always manages to do a boob shot when ever I turn over the camera to him.  He seriously needs some help!


Giving the camera to my hubby usually creates some interesting shots.  Now that he focused on something other than the boobs, ceilings are often in 70% of his photos.  (I have to learn to open my eyes)


On Friday, after a short trip to NYC, Lauren and I met at Heartland Brewery for a really delicious lunch.  Meeting a blogging friend or Blister (blog sister) for the first time face to face, feels as though you just picked up right were you left off.  Lauren asked about Jack.  I asked how the twins were feeling about to venture onto  a college campus.  We picked up as though we were old, old friends.  There were no uncomfortable pauses.  Just lots of chatter.   IMG_3435 Now tell me.  Did our mothers look this at the 50 something juncture?  Both of these beautiful women will step into the wonderful trek of being 50 in just a few short months.  I don’t think they look a day over 30.  Good genes?  Damn straight!

So, my blogging friends, I learned that blogging myself and staying in touch with all of you  wonderful women, connects us in more ways than we know.  We are dotted all over the map of this country, in Canada and beyond, but we are all truly friends who share with one another the ups and the downs of life. 

I couldn’t do it without you.



Unknown said…
You look like you are beaming!! I am so happy you got to meet MPM...she is just the best and NO, she doesn't look like she is possibly that old. She looks like she is 30.
Tammy said…
It looks like a great trip! All of you look so happy and relaxed. One of these days I will meet MPM and you and have the time of my life!
Unknown said…
If you had to pick a blogger to meet up with, MPM would be at the top of any list out there. I have some pretty fun memories with her at BlogFest in VA. She's the best, and those Yankees have a way with looking young, don't they?
Country Girl said…
I feel the same way! Couldn't do it without you all. Who is that next to Lauren?
Daryl said…
Wonderful pix ... I am so very disappointed I wasnt able to join in ... next time for sure, sciatica willing!
Mental P Mama said…
This whole post makes me smile so much my face hurts...I loved seeing you. All of you! And I hope your solo week is going okay;) xoxo
Jann said…
What a nice post, and what fun it is to make friends through blogging. It's like the modern version of pen-pals...and I still email/write to a handful of long-time friends I met through pen-palling. I've met two, in fact one is a good friend who lives nearby now (Aspen at Barbed Wire and Roses), and hope to meet a third next year. Anyway, modern tech does have its upside!

PS That floating feather pic at my blog, is a feather caught in a web. :o)
Cloudia said…
We DO look great, don't we ;-)


Comfort Spiral
Sue said…
Nothing says fun like a trip to Jersey!! so nice to see you met up with blog friends...they do look fabulous for 50...I didn't look that good at 40!.....your Mom is so cute with your husband...Hope jack is on the mend...

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