I'm Not That Woman...

I'm not that woman who can keep her mouth shut when I find service is less than acceptable...

I'm not that woman who remains calm and sweet at all times...

I'm not that woman who enters a room and is the life of the party...

I'm not that woman who drips in self confidence...

I'm not that woman who can forget the hundreds of hurts over the years...

I'm not that woman who will extend yet another apology when it is considered a lost cause...

I'm not that woman who appears to be stoic and strong...

I'm not that woman who bends...

I am what I am.

Take me or leave me.

Your choice.


Unknown said…
I think you are perfect just the way you are.
Country Girl said…
My sentiments as well.
Debra said…
I like the woman you are. I am glad to be counted as one of your friends :)
Laura ~Peach~ said…
i love you just as you are... I am part of that bizzare woman you mentioned but not all... :D
Chatty Crone said…
Deb - You yam what you yam and that is just right!

joanne said…
you are who you are and I wouldn't want you any other way!
Joyce said…
Ditto Sandie's comment:-)
Nurse Nancy said…
I so appreciate where you are coming from....I am there too!
Maria said…
Ditto to the above sentiments !!
Daryl said…
You sound a lot like me.
Rose said…
just be yourself. rose

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