Happy Birthday, Baby Sister

My sister and I are almost 5 years apart.  She is everything that a sister should and can be.
Here she is at my daughter's wedding three and a half years ago.

Here she is adoring her husband, Steve.
Noticed that she lost mega weight.
Way to go, Geri!
I love you very much...
and oh, your card is in the mail!


North of 25A said…
I have a baby sister too (10 years youngers than me!) - wishing yours a happy birthday! Wonderful pictures.
Mental P Mama said…
Happy Birthday, Geri!!!
joanne said…
Happy Birthday to your sis...she looks fab, just like you!
gerilabors said…
Debbie thank you. I feel like a celebrity to be "blogged about" by someone.
Jann said…
She's almost as cute as you are ;o) You can sure see the family resemblance!
Rose said…
happy belated birthday wishes.
Daryl said…
Belated birthday wishes ..
Chatty Crone said…
Happy belated birthday to your sister. sandie

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