What I've Learned in Training

Here are the very important things that I've learned while training on the new job this week:

  • I know how to use homeboys in a sentence
  • Can process an order to turn someone's utilities off
  • Have a strong need to have "real" Mexican food
  • Take a payment over the phone
  • Knows what "on deck" means and not in a baseball connotation
  • Direct customers to the company's web site
  • The younger generation is down wit choo
  • More people than I care to think, are rude towards the person on the other end of the line

With all that said, I am hoping to win the big lottery jackpot so I can retire.


Joyce said…
I can't imagine starting a new job, kuddo's to you.
joanne said…
I had to go back and see what I missed....I didn't realize you had a new job. Good luck and best wishes...
I feel like I missed something though!
Jane said…
Good luck with your new job. I take it that you are working in customer service?? If so, that is one of the hardest industries that there is. People in general are so incredibly rude anymore, Here's wishing you much success and a very thick skin,

Jamie Payne said…
Congrats on the new job! Where are you working? Hope everything works out for you and good luck winning the lottery...Jason and I try weekly:)
Mental P Mama said…
gah. But just know this: I'm down wit choo, too.
Ellen said…
Congrats on surviving week one. Hang in there.
Daryl said…
Keep on truckin' ... there's a paycheck at the end ...

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