Life's Not Fair...

I miss you everyday...


Hi Deb, that water looks wonderful. We are in the middle of a heat wave here (I guess most of the country is) but a refreshing swim would make it a lot more tolerable.

I'll be setting my alarm clock for 5 am tomorrow so I can work in the garden for a couple hours before the heat drives me inside.
Deb said…
This photo is of a dear friend who lost her battle with a vicious cancer on New Year's Day of 2010. Just last summer, we spent time around the pool, having a great time, laughing, swimming, and just "chillin".

I miss you Marion!
Mental P Mama said…
Oh Deb. Such a beauty...sorry you are missing her so.
Rose said…
sorry about your friend. she will always be with you in your heart. have a good weekend
Deb, cancer is such a cruel disease. I know you have your friend in your heart forever.
Chatty Crone said…
I am so sorry. Life IS NOT fair. I know this must hurt your your soul. My best friend died April 21 this year - one day here another day gone. sandie
Ellen said…
Hugs. Thinking about you and your dear friend.
Daryl said…
She's not gone as long as you keep her in your heart and celebrate her and your life .. hugs my friend
Jann said…
I've never lost a close friend so I can only imagine how painful it must be...but my heart and hugs go out to you, Deb.
Jo said…
I'm so sorry, Deb. I lost my best friend about a month ago, and it's devastating. I know just how you are feeling. Your friend will visit you in your dreams, though.
Country Girl said…
No, it's really not. Cherish it all, my friend.
abb said…
Cancer is simply insidious.

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