Walls Are My Friends

Walls. Walls help to keep up the roof which keeps us dry and safe from the elements. Walls. Separates one living space from another. Walls. Act as fences to keep things out of where they don't belong. Walls. An impenetrable structure.

I love walls.

In the past, I have been accused of building walls around me. Walls that I like to think, protect me in the same matter as walls around a village which protects the common folk from the harsh elements of the outside world.


I happen to think that my walls are surrounding me to protect the delicate balance of my life. Let the truth be known, there was a point in my life that I did not even acknowledge the existence of such walls until much later in life. Walls. A defense mechanism to ward off hurtful and evil things.

I love my walls. It is my choice who to allow inside the vast concrete walls. Hurt me once and I build taller, stronger, deeper walls. Show me kindness and perhaps I will chip away at one or two bricks, but never, never will the walls come completely down to expose my most vulnerable side as I am protecting myself from being marred, saddened, wounded, offended or being crushed.

Several have said it is too exhausting to get past the walls to learn the real me. Some say that it is just is too tiring to keep chipping away at the walls. I say, if you can't deal with my walls, then you can't deal with me.

And for that, is your loss. Not mine.


Bill S. said…
Beautifully written. I agree, experiences, usually uncomfortable ones, keeps us building walls.
Chatty Crone said…
Interesting post - so how did you or why did you put walls up to begin with? I was just wondering - sometimes they are hard to break down. I had walls up too.

Maria said…
That is a really great heartfelt post. Some people agonize over their walls wondering whether they have them, are they supposed to have them, do I need to work on this .... , you seem quite comfortable with yours - an interestingly different perspective. I don't mind your walls, there are no HOA ordinances in this life thankfully (although some think so), it's kind of fun to sit on top & chit chat from time to time, the view is great from up there.
Erika said…
Agreed. Those who can't accept you for who you are don't deserve to be in your life.

I love you mom!
Tammy said…
Walls can be very cozy. I have half walls! It's usually pretty easy to jump over my walls. If people can't accept you walls and all, they can just move on.
Unknown said…
Interesting post. Walls can protect, but they can also isolate.
Diane said…
I have walls too. I allow folks in more often than I venture outside them! Although those that behave poorly will find the door locked when they return. I like doors.
Daryl said…
Interestingly I read these last 2 posts backward... latest one first ... what's up? Something is clearly troubling you ... happy to lend an ear...

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