A Little Bit of Phlox in Your LIfe

When sleeping aids tend not to work, I revert to the computer.

Lord only knows what I will type.
Since looking at those awful photos from Mama, I can't get that poor dog out of my mind
Someone, please, post something nice, something fluffy, little kittens or a Grama knitting.
I'll take a sunset over the Gulf.
Or photos of 5 pairs of painted toes in white sand.
A rainbow
A leprechaun
A boyscout helping an elderly lady crossing the street.
Just something very nice.

and my Walmart undies do not have places to put things....just sayin'


Laura~peach~ said…
come see me :) my blog is pretty and happy with nakie baby playing... oh that sounds pornographic... but its not lmao.
Daryl said…
I've got front steps on one blog and a sweet little park with clean up crew on the other ...
Tammy said…
We planted a bunch of phlox in our yard this year and it's so pretty! You can head over to my blog and see a couple of pretty girls wearing prom dresses!
Unknown said…
I have a video of a dog peeing on a bride. It will make you laugh.
Mental P Mama said…
I'm sorry....I was following her from the time they found her and I had such hope. She is at peace now... Now that phlox? Absolutely gorgeous!! Tell us about the new job!
sofia123 said…
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