Things That Make Me Mad....The Toilet Paper Edition

Don't ya just hate it when someone in your household, who will remain nameless, purchases the wrong kind of toilet paper?  I'm sorry, but I have a particular kind that I like and not for the obvious softness or flaking issues, but for no other reason other than longevity.  I just absolutely hate it when you must replace the roll several times a week.  It's really all about time savings, after all!

Have you ever been to someone's house, you know, the great big 4,000 square foot homes and excuse yourself to use their powder room only to find single sheets?

And what is this all about?  The last two times I visited my mom and used her bathroom, I found a new roll of tissue sitting on top of the spent roll!  This is the same woman who hounded me "...a place for everything and everything in its place...".  Both times, I just replaced the roll, threw out the old cardboard and never said a thing.

It is mind boggling.


joanne said…
makes you just shake your head in dismay doesn't it!
Laura~peach~ said…
giggles... yeah
oh wait I BUY it... GAh
Mental P Mama said…
LOL...serious transgressions!
Daryl said…
worse .. do you put the roll in so it unrolls with the first sheet off the top or bottom/underneath?
Country Girl said…
Good toilet paper is essential to my happiness.

Ha!! Well, not essential, but it's really appreciated.
DesertHen said…
I have toilet paper "issues" in my house as well! So I know exactly what you are talking about! ;)
pakaian muslim said…
This really is wonderful article ! I simply love’d it !
a technology journalist who had been highly critical of Zoom's privacy policies. "At least in public, they're taking all the right steps," echoed Marczak.
예스카지노 said…
Yuan says the scrutiny that Zoom has received has been a blessing in disguise, allowing him to improve his company in ways that he never could have imagined otherwise. He now devotes his entire day only to security and privacy matters. "The harshest criticism may be the best words you ever hear," Yuan muses.
syy577 said…
"If the world misunderstands us, then I don't blame others, it's our problem... We are a very proud American company. The company is a public Nasdaq company, headquartered in San Jose. I'm a Chinese American. I truly believe... as long as you do the right thing, sooner or later they will know it... just be patient."
dok222 said…
"In ten to twenty years, when people write the history of Covid-19, I want them to write that Zoom did the right thing for the world," Yuan said.
ccclub700 said…
As nations around the world attempt to dig their way out of a cataclysmic global recession, Britain is in a particularly tight spot of its own making.

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