After The Storm

How funny is this?
Our little white Toyota covered in leaves from Friday night's storm.


Daryl said…
Given how horrendous that storm was, I am so happy to see you only got hit by some leaves!
Tammy said…
I was thinking just like Daryl!! Better a few leaves than a whole tree!
Unknown said…
So glad you dodged the bullet on those storms. Your car is so cute with those green leaves!
Nurse Nancy said…
Glad that it was just some leaves. We missed a tornado in NC by about 15 minutes. Someone loves us!
Rose said…
Glad to see your car all fine and white even after facing that horrendous storm. Lucky you :)
Car IQ Test
Before you check your car, check your Car IQ!
Anonymous said…
What's so funny about it?
Deb said…
It looks polka dotted!

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