Dutch Butter Almond Coffee Cake

Just out of the oven,
 cooling on the rack in my kitchen
is the 

Butter Almond Cake 

from my Dutch cook book.

Today, I am baking two of them to send to my uncle in Chicago.

His wife past last year and I remember she always made this cake in 
the house just waiting for company to come over.
She was the first one to put on a pot of coffee 
(why don't people put on a pot of coffee anymore)
and serve this truly coffee cake.

It is the simplest recipe ever.

The dough

2 cups flour
1 cup sugar
1 cup butter
1 egg
pinch of salt

Using your handy Kitchen aid mixer,
blend the dough well.

Divide in half and place in either an 8" or 10" spring pan. 

The center

1 can Solo almond paste

Spoon or shave the almond paste and place all over the halved dough.
Taking the other half of the dough, make a ball, smooch it out and 
place on top of the almond paste.  Crimp the sides together.

Bake at 350 for about 50 minutes or until golden brown.

Let cool on rack.

Slice into wedges and put on a pot of coffee.

I wish I had smell-a blog!


Unknown said…
Thanks again for sharing the recipe...it is even more meaningful that you shared the back story.

What a wonderful thing to do. I can not wait to bake mine!!!!
DesertHen said…
I'm sure your Uncle is going to enjoy this special treat! It looks wonderful, yummy, delish! Wonder if I can adapt it to make it gluten free...might just have to give that a try. Thanks for sharing the recipe. =)
Mental P Mama said…
Those are always the best recipes. You are a very fine niece;)
Laura~peach~ said…
sounds wonderful i will absolutely have to try it... :) wish you were closer to me! :)
Daryl said…
I am glad you dont have a smell-a-blog because just reading it I gained weight

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