Did I Wake Up in Minneapolis?

As the dim light made its appearance through the plantation blinds, I rubbed away the sleep from my eyes.  I can hear the constant hum of the heat running.  Just how cold did it get last night?

My morning temperatures began at a shivering, bone chilling at 16 degrees. 

Did I wake up in Minneapolis? 

No, I was in the Atlanta burbs and definitely not on the beach in Maui sipping the perfect Mai Tai.

No, I wasn’t at the black beach with my family thinking I died and gone to heaven.


And no, I wasn’t at the top of the world at Haleakala in awe of this sight before me.

Sadly, I was at home…freezing.  Since I look for the good in every situation, I found a small tidbit to hold on to this morning.

At least I don’t have to shovel any snow!


Mental P Mama said…
12 here. And I get to shovel snow. It just gets better and better! I saw that it was 16 in Pensacola. Gah!
Deb said…
16 in PCB? That is just not right...and it will only reach 32 today....
Anonymous said…
I'm feeling for you! That is dang cold! I'm so ready to enjoy spring... whenever it gets here.
Anonymous said…
Gorgeous pictures! I really need a vacation. I'm glad you don't have to shovel snow today!
Jo said…
I have been reading about the cold weather you have been getting there. Brrrrrr.... It's warmer than that here in Vancouver! Yesterday it was almost spring-like.

Something very weird is happening to the weather patterns.

Stay warm! (I'll take the picture at the top please.) :-)
doornumbertwo said…
Here are the rules: Once you've been tagged, write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.
Maria said…
I love your sense of humor, yes it's low 30's here next couple days, then will be in the 60's this weekend, up & down, warmer than most though.
I especially LOVE your Margaret Thatcher quote, may have to use it sometime if that's ok
It's f-f-f-freezing today! Did I hear Karen Minton (Channel 2 weather lady) correctly when she said it's supposed to get into the mid 60's this coming weekend? Oh how I long for spring {sigh}.

Deb, Scrap Club has chosen a date for our first annual scrap event - May 2-3. Would you be available to conduct your class Saturday morning? You are warmly invited by all to stay for the entire day. There will be two classes in the PM.
Daryl said…
Ahhh .. now that feels a lot better than here ... I may stay and stare a while ..

Thanks for visiting and for your kind comment!
Tess Kincaid said…
It has been cold, hasn't it? Ten degrees here this afternoon, even in the bright sun!
Sue said…
But did you have a dog that needed to go out at 5:00 this morning when it was 10 degrees....then he had to go out again at 7:00.....when is it going to warm up, it's unnatural to be this cold in Atlanta!!...........
Unknown said…
Everyone has a silver lining if they look hard enough.
For me it's nice 80 degree weather along the So CA coast in February. I think I picked the perfect time to travel.
abb said…
No such warmth here - 11 when I got up this am. Blah!
Mauigirl said…
I am SO sick of the cold weather. You've made me "homesick" for Maui with these pictures! Unfortunately I am in New Jersey which continues to be very cold and will do so for the next month at least. Sigh.

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