And That's What I Think...

I plan on taking the summer months off from blogging.
Enjoy the warm weather, my friends.

Let's hope the pristine beaches of Florida and the Gulf coast remain as such.


Country Girl said…
Wow, Deb. This is big!

I have been thinking of doing something this big. Have a wonderful time on your trip.
Tammy said…
I just might do the same thing... Enjoy your time off, I will miss you!
Chatty Crone said…
Are you taking time off for vacation or just taking time off for the summer? I'll miss you.

Jamie Payne said…
We'll miss you! Have a wonderful summer:)
Wow - this is BIG! I obviously do the same at regular intervals. Enjoy your summer, sweet friend! I shall miss checking in with you.
Maria said…
Enjoy yourself !!
Will miss you here but glad to know you are out there living and loving.
Rose said…
whatever you do or go enjoy. rose
Nurse Nancy said…
I think taking a break builds inspiration. I need some inspiration too. Enjoy some quiet time and Jack!
abb said…
See youuuuuuuu in Septemberrrrrrrrr!
Tho not necessarily sealed with a kiss. :)

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