Spring in Atlanta

As beautiful as this is, I am so suffering from allergies this spring.
Just took a Zyrtec, let's hope I survive spring.


Ah-ah-ah-CHOO! I agree with YOU!
Sue said…
my husband keeps thinking I'm sneaking a piece of chocolate but I keep telling him that I'm sneezing from all the pollen in the house...everything is coated in it...
I am having such allergies this year. Worse then normal. Spring is beautiful if I could only see it through my swollen eyes and that Kleenex that has attached itself to my nose. Nice to meet another Atlanta blogger!

Linda @ A La Carte
Tammy said…
It's a shame that with all the beauty of spring, so many people suffer with allergies. I hope it's a fast season!
Mental P Mama said…
I like the zyrtec...but started shots 3 years ago---a Godsend...my allergies turned into asthma. Stay inside and do not touch your eyes! Love, Mama
Nurse Nancy said…
All that snow and rain during the winter has driven up the mold! Allergies are bad and only to get worse. Take care of yourself.
Daryl said…
Allergies are awful, mine hit at end of summer .. but I know right now everyone is suffering from flowering tree pollen!
abb said…
It's just horrid this year! Here's hoping your Zyrtec works!
Chatty Crone said…
Severe allergies here too! Sandie
Jamie Payne said…
I normally don't have an allergy problem but this spring it's starting to get to me. Hope you're feeling better soon!

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